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Impact of Yoga & Meditation on Cellular Aging
This study was designed to explore the impact of Yoga and Meditation based lifestyle intervention (YMLI) on cellular aging in apparently healthy individuals. YMLI significantly reduced the rate of cellular aging in apparently healthy population.
New Study Finds Yoga Significantly Reduces Depression in Male Veterans
A new study presented at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association found that male veterans who had elevated depression scores before a twice weekly hatha yoga program had a significant reduction in depression symptoms after the eight-week program.
Yoga and Meditation on the Rise Among US Adults and Kids
More Americans are turning to forms of complementary medicine such as yoga, meditation and chiropractors, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics.
Yoga Can Be Helpful for Teens Suffering from Anxiety, Study Finds
Current research focusing on biofeedback, mindfulness, yoga, and hypnosis demonstrates that these methods show promise to reduce anxiety among adolescent populations.
Why Teach Yoga and Mindfulness in Prison?
I came to see yoga as a vehicle for transformation through reclaiming an intimate, healthy relationship with self. Upon reflection, it seemed like a natural evolution to offer these tools to inmates prior to release from prison in anticipation of the challenges of reintegration, and the potential for recidivism.
Neuroscience & the True Purpose of Yoga
“The current human disconnection from the natural world starts with our disconnection from our own bodies, which we as a culture inherited – to a degree that most of us generally don’t quite acknowledge the extent of our inability to feel our own bodies.”– Simon Thakur